How To Use Zothai

How To Use Zothai

Profile Page Site
.Profile Page Site is the site of your profile page and your ‘house of content’, which includes pages where you can create posts and content.
.When you register you have a choice of opening a Personal, Professional or Business Profile Page Site.
You can open more than one Profile Page Site but you have to use different email ids and phone numbers
for every Profile Page Site you open .
.The pages common to all profiles where you can post in are Short Posts page, Long Posts page and Mini(1minute video) page
.The different pages in each Profile Page Site are My Likes page in Personal, My Show page in Professional and Showroom page in Business.
. All the posting pages has 2 sections Posts and Board. Use the posting functionality in the Posts section and your posts will appear in this section. If you wish to highlight some posts, you can click on the ‘Free To Board’ tab and that post will move to Board. This helps a visitor to see all your highlighted posts quickly.

Social Group Post
. Social Group Post is the “common centre of posts content” where your posts can be seen publicly by the community
. Find topics and posts, by searching category, subcategory or clicking the Group PostTopic tab
. You can post under Group Posts free. All posts in this segment will show as per latest posts first
. If you wish to highlight your post, use the ‘Move To Board’ tab to move your post to Group Post Board.
. The Group Post Boards are designed to display the posts in a way that visitors can see the posts
immediately and the posts are set in a rotational manner where your posts can rotate to the top frequently.
. Privileged Users can use the ‘Move To Board’ tab free, while users can pay 50THB to move one post to board for 2 weeks

Find Topics / Posts
Finding Topics
.You can find topics through searching categories and subcategories or through clicking the # Group Post Topic button
Finding Posts
.You can find topics and posts through a search in categories and subcategories or through clicking the # Group Post Topic button
. Posts will be seen in Group Posts in order of time posted while posts in Group Post Board are
highlighted posts in a rotational order resulting in all posts having a chance to be seen on top.
. If you click on the profile icon of the post owner on any post you will be directed to their Profile Page
Site where you will find their posts.
. If you follow someone, the posts of the person followed will appear in “For Me” page your
Profile Page Site

Create Topics/Posts
Creating Topics
. You can create your own topics by clicking on the Create # Group Post Topic, fill the form and submit for approval.
. Once your topic is approved, it will show up in Group Post Topic tab as ‘ # The name of the topic you created * Your profile name’.
. When a user clicks on your topic, it will open up a post page in Social Group Post section with the
page description tagline of your topic.
. Any visitor clicking on the description tagline will be directed to your Profile Page Site.
. It’s recommended that to maximize the benefits of “Create # Group Post Topic” you should be
a verified user to avail of the unlimited moving of posts to Group Post Board free.

Creating Posts
Free Style Posting
. You can post in two segments of Zothai, your own Profile Page Site Pages or in the Social Group Post section
. Posting functionalities are the same across the platform
. The free style posting functionality is designed to give you freedom in posting whether you
wish to do a short post, a product post, a long post, a video post or a ‘Mini’ post.
. Posting functionalities include:
-Text area where you can post long or short posts, add a link to a video from another platform it will show up as a video post and/or a link to articles on another platform.
-Please note the link must be placed at the end of your text or you may have to do redo the post.
- Images where you can post to up to four images
- Mini, One minute videos
. Content posted must be relevant to the category and subcategory topic in Social Post Group. Content must be tailor made for that particular topic or it will be considered spam and removed. For example, if you are a lawyer, you could post in your category ‘Professional Businesses Consultants’ and subcategory ‘Legal’ but you can also tweak your content to be about ‘setting up companies for online businesses’ and post it under the ‘Category of Online businesses’. In this way, you can find many categories you can post in for wider reach but your content needs to relevant.

Create Mini(s)
. A Mini is a video under 1 minute and can be created by using the Mini video icon in the post
functionality found in your Profile Page Site and Social Group Post
.You can also post a Mini in the 6 profile boxes in your Profile Page Site
.Today, it is challenging to keep people’s attention with the amount of content people are exposed
to everyday. Short-form videos have gained popularity over the last few years and has become
an important part of any content strategy.

Create Content
. In the internet age, content rules like never before and content building goes beyond the traditional
marketing strategy.
. Although the modern content strategy still needs to include talking about yourself, your brand or your product, it needs to focus more on the reader’s wants and needs by answering their questions, showing them how to solve a problem, sharing educative information, entertaining them or providing information of value and relevance to them.
. The tone should be positive and avoid negativity as you want readers to see you as a source of inspiration and optimism.
. Most importantly, post constantly and regularly.
The rewards you get from creating and sharing your content are invaluable, including building a connection with your audience leading to long-term influence or brand loyalty, raising brand or personal awareness and most importantly, increasing your income!
Zothai is the perfect social platform to start creating and sharing your content where you can
create your own content hub in your Profile Page Site and post to be seen in Social Group Post where If people like your post, they can click on your profile icon on your post and visit your profile.
To know more about Profile Page Site and Social Group Post see ‘How To Use Zothai’ in Help (?)

Publicize Content
. After creating content on your Profile Page Site, you can start publicizing your content by posting publicly in Social Group Post to pull visitors to your Profile Page Site.
. Social Group Post is the “common centre of content and posts” where users can find your posts
in the category/subcategory or in # Group Post Topic.
. After posting, your post will appear in the Group Post section free.
. To better promote and publicize your post you can use the “Move To Board” button, pay a nominal fee or be a verified user to move to board free.
. Posts in Group Post Board are easier to find and more visible, with posts set in a rotation algorithm so that users will find your posts on top frequently regardless of when you posted while posts in ‘Group Posts’ are displayed as the ‘latest posts’ on top.

Buy/Sell Easily
. On Zothai, it is convenient to find posts to buy or to create posts to sell any product or service by searching through the categories and subcategories in Social Group Post for the right product and service page.
. Potential customers can live chat with the post owners by clicking on the post and clicking the
live chat button making for quicker sales

Build Brands
Most businesses, especially small businesses, focus on developing their products and businesses and overlook how important branding is. In a competitive market landscape, marketing strategies need not revolve only around a “lower than competitor” pricing strategy, but focus instead on branding strategies to establish credibility, differentiation, competitive advantage, increased revenue, long-term success, growthand customer loyalty whereby you can charge the price your product or service deserves.
Content creation* is an important part of brand building and on Zothai, you can create your own content hub in your Profile Page Site and publicize your post in Social Group Post where it can be seen.
* see Create Content

Be An Influencer
Everybody has ability to influence others in some areas and therefore everybody can be an influencer
Everybody has ability to influence and anybody can be an influencer. Traditionally, an influencer had to be a known personality, a celebrity, a famous blogger or a star. If you have passion, expertise, knowledge, opinions about particular products and services and you create good content frequently about it and publicize it
people will start to value your input, follow you, making you an influencer.
Influence marketing is big business where Brands are focussing more on generating sales than just
building awareness.
Brands today are also looking at Micro Influencers who have a smaller group of followers but those followers are more likely to be influenced by their recommendations leading to actual sales.
Some brands today prefer to use many Micro influencers at one time to promote the same product.
Trust is an important factor on the internet and people tend to trust an honest voice
If you can make yours a trusted voice that people pay attention to, your circle will grow along with your influencer marketing opportunities.
Create your content continuously in your Profile Page Site and promote your opinions and recommendations publicly In Social Group Post section on a regular basis.

Promote yourself
Everybody is an expert, a pro and/or skilled at something, whether it is in the creative field of cooking, painting, acting, dancing etc or in hobbies such as sports or gaming etc or in professional fields such as accounting, legal, graphics, IT solutions etc. Marketing yourself is about building trust as an expert in any field and your audience base should feel that you are the right person to go for tips, advices or solutions in your field. Trust is important when you are promoting yourself so it’s important you find a way to position yourself as someone with knowledge in your chosen field. Showcasing your skills, expertise and sample work to potential employers, clients, followers and business collaborators can help you find new career or increased revenue opportunities, expand your network and even increase your ability to sell or promote products and services You have knowledge that a lot of people find valuable, so create good content in your own Profile Page Site and put it out there with content marketing by posting publicly in Social Group Post.

. You can create revenue by posting about products and/or services you wish to sell
. Create content to build your brand or promote yourself which leads to increased revenue
. Create content and become an influencer with a followers base and earn through sponsored content such as paid reviews, sales announcements, product launches, events coverage, or offers
. Six profile box space in your Profile Page Site has been provided for you to promote your own brand or can be used to promote someone else’s brand. You can work directly with brands and advertisers to negotiate your price.

Privileged User
Become a Privileged User for 6 months for 3,000THB or 1 year for 5,000THB and Move To Board free for your posts to Group Post Board in the Social Group Posts section during your package period. Posts in the Group Post Board are easier to find and furthermore, your posts will rotate to the top in intervals as the posts in the Boards are set to such a mechanism.
To become a Privileged user
-make sure your email and Thai Mobile number given for the account is correct. Please check your details in General Settings before submitting
-make sure your username is the same as the profile from which you are applying

As a Privileged User, you can move your posts to board free under the ‘Move To Board’ tab in the Social Group Post section in any subcategory but you have to post content that is relevant to the category, subcategory and avoid spamming i.e excessive amount of your posts showing in the same subcategory at one time (you can delete earlier posts and post new ones and Move To Board freely to keep your content fresh and current or you can choose to find other subcategories to post in )After the submission of your form and payment, you will get a tick next to your name once you are a Privileged User. If you haven’t received one within 48 hours please live chat at Zothai Admin.

Promote In “For Me” Page Publicize Your Content To Every User
Every Profile Page Site of every user has a “For Me” page where users can find the posts of the people they follow and the posts from Zothai Admin. If you wish to have your content posted by Zothai Admin and promoted on this page of all users, please contact Zothai Admin page (go to Search and type Zothai Admin) state your requirements and leave your email id. Zothai will send you a quotation and the next steps through your email.

‘Klick Chat’
‘Klick Chat’ chat functionality is readily available for users throughout the platform such as through the chat tab in post detail page to get in touch with post owners and the chat tab while visiting someone else’s Profile Page Site
to enable quick conversions of browsers into customers, friends and followers.
When you are friends with someone their profile will be part of your chat list in your Profile Page Site for easy connection

.You can add friends from any profile , Personal, Professional or Business Profile
.When you become friends
-You will be on each other’s friend’s list under Chat
- Your friend’s profile icon will appear in your Friends page
. Adding friends through their Profile Page Site:
- you can click on the profile icon of the post in the Social Post Hub and will be directed to their Profile Page Site or search for them in the search box.
-Click on + Friends on the button in the Page Site of the person you wish to add as a friend.
-A friend’s request will appear in the Friends tab of the user you wish to add
- If your request is accepted you are now friends

Removing Friends
-Go to the profile of the person you want to remove as a friend
-Go to their Friends tab and click, you will be given a choice to Unfriend

.Once you follow someone, you will see their posts in the ‘For Me’ page

1. Go to the profile of the person you want to follow
Click on the follow tab and their posts will appear in your ‘For Me’ Page
2. Click on the profile icon on the posts of one you wish to follow
Go to the profile of the person you want to follow
Click on the follow tab and their posts will appear in your ‘For Me’Page

1. Go to the profile of the person you want to unfollow
2. Click on the follow tab and unfollow